Novel X-ray technology: Hierarchical Contrast Tomography (HiP-CT)
A new X-ray technology is causing fascination in the medical technology sector: it is to be used in the future for the early detection of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
The technology developed in Grenoble is a special form of phase-propagation technology that offers more than a hundred times better resolution than regularly used CT scanners and is the brightest X-ray source in the world. Researchers are working hard to use AI and Deep Learning to better evaluate and analyze commonly available CT and MRI image data as well, since HiP-CT technology is only available in Grenoble so far.
Have you ever heard of HiP-CT technology? Does the term “synchrotron” mean anything to you? Take a look at our new arcoro SNAPS issue and learn more about the application and background of X-ray technology at a glance!