Pharmaceutical Industry

From research to regulation to management - arcoro supports you in your search for qualified specialists and executives

Agility and the demand for innovation are key drivers of the pharmaceutical industry. Through the development of a wide range of drugs and pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical companies around the world make a significant contribution to basic medical care for mankind. Optimizing health standards is a top priority. The global pharmaceutical market has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. In 2022, the size of the global pharmaceutical market was US$1.48 trillion, achieving a growth rate of 4.2% over the previous year.

Germany is one of the world’s most important markets for pharmaceutical products and represents the fourth most important market worldwide in terms of sales. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, the German pharmaceutical industry generated around 0.8% of gross value added in Germany. Due to the high pressure to innovate in the industry, pharmaceutical companies invest large sums in the development of new active ingredients and products. Research-intensive projects require corresponding talent along the entire product life cycle.

The demand for highly specialized specialists and managers is enormous. The search for pharmaceutical experts is usually difficult due to their specialized skills. Arcoro has experts with specific expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals ready and waiting for you. Through years of expertise, direct approach and a variety of active talent pools, we are happy to support you in finding the ideal candidate for your company. Whether you are a large corporation, SME or start-up – let us know your requirements and we will take care of your needs individually and reliably.

Pharmaceutical industry in figures

  • In 2022, a global sales volume of 1.482 trillion US dollars was achieved
  • Sales growth stabilized after a slump in 2011 and was recently at a peak level of 7.3 percent
  • In Germany, research and innovation expenditure of just under 12 billion euros is forecast for 2023
  • In 2021, 623 pharmaceutical patents were filed with the EPO in Germany
  • The number of drugs in the research and development pipeline of pharmaceutical companies in 2022 was 20,109 companies worldwide

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